Reinvent your LIFE

in 7 days (or less)

by doing the

One Audacious Thing

That will change you forever.

What do Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, Kanye West, Elon Musk, and Nelson Mandela have in common?

AUDACITY! They fearlessly stood out, faced ridicule, and even threats, believing in their mission more than people's opinions or the risks. They aren't inherently different than you or I, they are just willing. So, it's not a question of capability, but of audacity. And any change worth mentioning in the history books was deemed audacious, ridiculous and oftentimes even criminal.

Are you ready to believe in and pursue the world-changing vision you've held onto?

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man...and unreasonable people attend The Audacity Festival”

NOT George Bernard Shaw (Audacious AF)

Reinvent your LIFE

in 7 days (or less)

by doing the

One Audacious Thing

That will change you forever.

What do Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, Kanye West, Elon Musk, and Nelson Mandela have in common?

AUDACITY! They fearlessly stood out, faced ridicule, and even threats, believing in their mission more than people's opinions or the risks. They aren't inherently different than you or I, they are just willing. So, it's not a question of capability, but of audacity. And any change worth mentioning in the history books was deemed audacious, ridiculous and oftentimes even criminal.

Are you ready to believe in and pursue the world-changing vision you've held onto?

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man...and unreasonable people attend The Audacity Festival”

NOT George Bernard Shaw (Audacious AF)

“If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it....

and The Audacity Festival is absurd that's why I fuck with it.”

Rated 5 Stars   |   Over 1 Trillion Audacious Mofos Agree

NOT Albert Einstein (Audacious AF)


You have been waiting for this moment, something to push you outside of your comfort zone to make that decision that you have been too afraid to make, to start that project that you have been putting off to “LATER” forever, to leave that person or place that you have been stuck in for far too long.  

Rather than waiting for a near death experience, a tragedy to strike, or hitting a breaking point where you have NO CHOICE but to make that decision…wouldn’t it be better if there was a place that could support you in gaining the audacity to make that move and step into the life you deserve TODAY?

The Audacity (of Greatness) Festival is that place! 

It’s a personal festival built to get you to step outside of your

comfort zone and into true greatness.  


You have been waiting for this moment, something to push you outside of your comfort zone to make that decision that you have been too afraid to make, to start that project that you have been putting off to “LATER” forever, to leave that person or place that you have been stuck in for far too long.  

Rather than waiting for a near death experience, a tragedy to strike, or hitting a breaking point where you have NO CHOICE but to make that decision…wouldn’t it be better if there was a place that could support you in gaining the audacity to make that move and step into the life you deserve TODAY?

The Audacity (of Greatness) Festival is that place! 

It’s a personal festival built to get you to step outside of your

comfort zone and into true greatness.  

Every great change in this world

came from someone willing to be audacious enough

to risk the life they have now

for the vision they truly align with 


We believe that a life worth dying for

is the only life worth living for.

And that every person has a unique purpose that will require them to step far outside their comfort zone, travel through the forest of fear and climb out of the depths of doubt to achieve their God given destiny, a truly fulfilled life.  

Our MISSION is to help


across the world create those lives


The QUESTION now is...

will you be one of those AUDACIOUS people?


We believe that a life worth dying for

is the only life worth living for.

And that every person has a unique purpose that will require them to step far outside their comfort zone, travel through the forest of fear and climb out of the depths of doubt to achieve their God given destiny, a truly fulfilled life.  

Our MISSION is to help


across the world create those lives


The QUESTION now is...

will you be one of those AUDACIOUS people?

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;

the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.

Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man...

and unreasonable people attend The Audacity Festival”

Rated 5 Stars   |   Over 1 Trillion Audacious Mofos Agree

NOT George Bernard Shaw (Audacious AF)

Achieve the

Impossible at

The Audacity 

( o f   G r e a t n e s s )


A 7-day personal festival for Visionary Dreamers, Audacious Risk-Takers, and Relentless Go-Getters ready to unleash their greatness and create a world of limitless possibilities.

Rated 5 Stars |  Over 1 Trillion Audacious Mofos Agree

“If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it....and The Audacity Festival is absurd that's why I fuck with it.”

NOT Albert Einstein (Audacious AF)

Audacious people have been changing the world for centuries... will you be one of them?

What do Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, Kanye West, Elon Musk, and Nelson Mandela have in common?

AUDACITY! They fearlessly stood out, faced ridicule, and even threats, believing in their mission more than people's opinions or the risks. They aren't inherently different than you or I, they are just willing. So, it's not a question of capability, but of audacity. And any change worth mentioning in the history books was deemed audacious, ridiculous and oftentimes even criminal.

Are you ready to believe in and pursue the world-changing vision you've held onto?

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man...and unreasonable people attend The Audacity Festival”

NOT George Bernard Shaw (Audacious AF)


Because you want to feel more freedom, joy, happiness, power and abundance of time and money in your life.  You want it NOW, and you have tried so many other ways to get there, but nothing seems to be working.  You are a high performing achiever who has accomplished great things in your life, found success in a lot of different areas, but something is missing…maybe it’s your relationship with work, with your partner, or with yourself.  


  • Your DREAM life feels like it’s always stuck in the “LATER” bucket

  • You feel like you are living out of alignment with your purpose.

  • You know you deserve more than what you have in life.

  • You feel like an imposter that doesn’t deserve what you have.

  • Feel like your problems are uniquely complicated

    and no one understands how to solve them.

  • You are at a crossroads where you need to make a tough decision but you are terrified of making it.

  • You feel like you are waiting for an excuse to make a big change in your life.

  • You are no longer excited to wake up and instead feel overwhelmed with anxiety.

  • You feel like you are living well below your potential, even with all that you have achieved.

What makes it unique?

We are all ONE audacious decision

away from shifting our lives drastically.

And that decision is never as complex as our minds make us think, and always as simple as following our heart’s desire.  This festival isn’t about 500 complex steps, past life regressions, or an explorative awareness journey, it’s about dedicating yourself to doing ONE hard thing and stepping into the promise of a better life that is lying on the other side of your tough decisions.  





- NOT Marco Hansell,

Founder of AoG Festival (Audacious AF)


The AoG Fest was built on the principles of experience designing your life that it’s founder Marco Hansell has used to make some of the most massive changes that have propelled his life to levels of success he never imagined. 

When you want to create real change your brain is biologically more likely to absorb new concepts, and be open to new habits when you are in a new environment.

Rather than waiting for a festival, retreat or some vacation to shift your perspective, the AoG Festival invites YOU to experience designing your life right now and create the best environment for you to make the audacious decision that will propel you to a more fulfilling life.

This festival is not about general personal development …it’s about measurable change , and the physical change that will happen in your life from making the big decisions that some people leave on the deathbed of regret. 



Upon being accepted into the festival you will receive our free  “How to Create a Personal Festival” guide to design every element of the festival from its themes, the activities you will do, the event hours and even the budget you will create for your festival.  


Most importantly you will identify the one area of your life that most needs your audacious action, and the one action that this festival will be used to support you with. 


Each day you will have an accountable group of other audacious leaders supporting you, celebrating their own festivals as well as daily sessions with our founder The Magician, Marco Hansell, as your host providing you with tools, coaching, tips, and kick in the ass motivation that will help you maximize the value of your festival and ensure that this week drastically changes your life forever


If you want additional support you can apply for our limited concierge packages where Marco and his team will help you craft your week for the most expansive experience possible



Upon being accepted into the festival you will receive our free  “How to Create a Personal Festival” guide to design every element of the festival from its themes, the activities you will do, the event hours and even the budget you will create for your festival.  


Most importantly you will identify the one area of your life that most needs your audacious action, and the one action that this festival will be used to support you with. 


Each day you will have an accountable group of other audacious leaders supporting you, celebrating their own festivals as well as daily sessions with our founder The Magician, Marco Hansell, as your host providing you with tools, coaching, tips, and kick in the ass motivation that will help you maximize the value of your festival and ensure that this week drastically changes your life forever


If you want additional support you can apply for our limited concierge packages where Marco and his team will help you craft your week for the most expansive experience possible


We invite these spirited souls to explore other activities that better align with their aversion to audacity.... like endlessy scrolling on instagram, mastering the art of overthinking, or going for the

Guinness world record of longest procrastinator.

Everyone else…join the Audacity of Greatness Festival! 

This festival is for NOT you if:

  • You are a timid easily shaken soul that clings tightly to your comfort zone like a snuggie.

  • Your mind is an empty closed vault with a thousand locks keeping it safe from new ideas.

  • You love crushing dreams like the Grinch.

  • You are willing to perform gravity defying maneuvers to evade responsibility and keep your dreams constantly out of reach because...self sabotage makes you happy.

“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take…

and that’s why you should take a shot on the AoG Fest"

Rated 5 Stars   |   Over 1 Trillion Audacious Mofos Agree

NOT Wayne Gretzky (Audacious AF)





Marco Hansell discovered his superpower of courage at the age of 13 and used it to win nearly every physical and mental challenge placed in his path.  He went on to build a $35m empire called Influencer Marketing, but then lost it all in a freak accident that led him on a long journey across the globe to rediscover his powers.  After training with several masters of courage he emerged no longer carrying the name Marco Hansell and became “The Magician” being named so by his ability to use his courage to transmute the perspectives of any energy to his benefit.


The molecular structure of his ego changes so rapidly that its nearly impossible to pinpoint how to offend him or make him uncomfortable.

He can conjure his inner child at any time, making intense situations easily playful…and to be playful just because…why not?


He uses his honesty as a charming skill that creates universal rifts in time space making space unfathomably safe.

A unique ability to turn any negative matter, failure, trauma, or negative story into a superpower.

An ability to take complex problems and massively simplify them.


A tendency to feel like he is taking up too make space or being too much.

Feels anxiety prior to even minor choices despite having no evidence of needing to worry about anything.

Has a hard time maintaining close connections with people that are too far out of his physical sphere.



"You know the answer"

"What kind of world do you want to create?"



What other powerful people have to say

about their experience with "The Magician".



Serial Entrepreneur, Author of Rich20Something column on Huffington Post and contributor to Time Magazine, Fortune, Entrepreneur and more.

Marco Hansell is the only person I've ever met who has dropped me into a full psychedelic state within minutes with NO drugs, connecting with the mind and heart instantly not by speaking, but by who he is.  Marco connects with the human instrument in such a unique and precise way that you feel seen and you feel heard.  I’m not one to do Tony Robbins motivational stuff, like crying and hugging people, but that’s what I found myself doing after working with Marco.  This guy is super talented, a very successful entrepreneur and has spent a lot of time redlining his skill sets across many different disciples to the point where I really think he is qualified to give transformational advice.  And I don’t say that about pretty much anybody. If you're on the fence and wondering if it’s a good opportunity for you, it absolutely is.  This is the guy who I think is going to be an important figure in your life, and you might not even know him yet.  Hire the dude!

Marco is a transformer. To be in his presence, physically or virtually, is to be transformed by his presence. I love the way he sees the world. I love how he’s learned to reprogram himself. Through him, I’ve learned to play more. To invite all of myself into being. To smile a LOT. You can’t not smile around Marco. He is an embodiment of joy and power. To be honest, I don’t always understand where this brother is coming from, but that just makes me want to visit that place myself even more. I’ve come to believe that most of what we think of as “reality” isn’t. It’s really just our imaginations. We’ve collectively imagined systems of finance and systems of oppression. We can also imagine systems of liberation. That’s where I think Marco comes in. He’s one of us, a part of us, demonstrating our power to conjure better fictions for ourselves, better stories for all of us to live, for real.

Baratunde Thurston

Emmy Nominated Author of NY Times Bestseller “How to Be Black”, executive producer of PBS Television series America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston



Former MTV Host of TRL,

CEO of Sound Sanctuary

What I can tell you about Marco, is the leadership I experienced in this challenge that I jumped into that he was leading was really powerful.  A really powerful way of looking at the next 90 days of my life as potentially the last 90 days of my life.  And that’s what I’ve been, an amazing experiment called reinvention and restoration and feeling like this 90 days has gone by in a very different way than it would have had it not been for this challenge led by Marco.  So thank you Marco for your incredible stewardship, challenge and inspiration and space to flow and land in a very different place than I thought I’d be.  So thank you for showing me more possibilities than I was seeing at the time. 

As a recipient of Marco's guidance on a retreat, Marco held a safe space for my group and we were able to go to very deep vulnerable and transformative places.  There was not a dry eye in the crowd.  We felt stronger, more connected, and more bonded afterward.  I highly recommend Marco’s services, facilitation etc.  It is Life Changing!



World Renowned Meditation Practitioner and Bestselling Author



Bestselling Author, Host of the #1 Spirituality Podcast on iTunes

I just finished 4 weeks of coaching with Marco and I’m so deeply grateful for his professionalism, his love, his ability to ask questions.  To get you to uncomfortable places and to really support you and allow you to see yourself in a different way than you maybe have ever before.  To give you that feedback that is so powerful.  Marco is a coach that you can trust that really goes there and isn’t afraid of being in the discomfort that it requires sometimes to change.  I loved coaching with him especially as a content creator he came with such great experience for the world of public figures. If you are considering coaching with him I highly suggest it, he is an amazing human and he’s going to support you in getting to the next level in overcoming any blocks that you have.  


What other powerful people have to say

about their experience with "The Magician".



Serial Entrepreneur, Author of Rich20Something column on Huffington Post and contributor to Time Magazine, Fortune, Entrepreneur and more.

Marco Hansell is the only person I've ever met who has dropped me into a full psychedelic state within minutes with NO drugs, connecting with the mind and heart instantly not by speaking, but by who he is.  Marco connects with the human instrument in such a unique and precise way that you feel seen and you feel heard.  I’m not one to do Tony Robbins motivational stuff, like crying and hugging people, but that’s what I found myself doing after working with Marco.  This guy is super talented, a very successful entrepreneur and has spent a lot of time redlining his skill sets across many different disciples to the point where I really think he is qualified to give transformational advice.  And I don’t say that about pretty much anybody. If you're on the fence and wondering if it’s a good opportunity for you, it absolutely is.  This is the guy who I think is going to be an important figure in your life, and you might not even know him yet.  Hire the dude!

Baratunde Thurston

Emmy Nominated Author of NY Times Bestseller “How to Be Black”, executive producer of PBS Television series America Outdoors with Baratunde Thurston

Marco is a transformer. To be in his presence, physically or virtually, is to be transformed by his presence. I love the way he sees the world. I love how he’s learned to reprogram himself. Through him, I’ve learned to play more. To invite all of myself into being. To smile a LOT. You can’t not smile around Marco. He is an embodiment of joy and power. To be honest, I don’t always understand where this brother is coming from, but that just makes me want to visit that place myself even more. I’ve come to believe that most of what we think of as “reality” isn’t. It’s really just our imaginations. We’ve collectively imagined systems of finance and systems of oppression. We can also imagine systems of liberation. That’s where I think Marco comes in. He’s one of us, a part of us, demonstrating our power to conjure better fictions for ourselves, better stories for all of us to live, for real.



Former MTV Host of TRL,

CEO of Sound Sanctuary

What I can tell you about Marco, is the leadership I experienced in this challenge that I jumped into that he was leading was really powerful.  A really powerful way of looking at the next 90 days of my life as potentially the last 90 days of my life.  And that’s what I’ve been, an amazing experiment called reinvention and restoration and feeling like this 90 days has gone by in a very different way than it would have had it not been for this challenge led by Marco.  So thank you Marco for your incredible stewardship, challenge and inspiration and space to flow and land in a very different place than I thought I’d be.  So thank you for showing me more possibilities than I was seeing at the time. 



World Renowned Meditation Practitioner and Bestselling Author

As a recipient of Marco's guidance on a retreat, Marco held a safe space for my group and we were able to go to very deep vulnerable and transformative places.  There was not a dry eye in the crowd.  We felt stronger, more connected, and more bonded afterward.  I highly recommend Marco’s services, facilitation etc.  It is Life Changing!



Bestselling Author, Host of the #1 Spirituality Podcast on iTunes

I just finished 4 weeks of coaching with Marco and I’m so deeply grateful for his professionalism, his love, his ability to ask questions.  To get you to uncomfortable places and to really support you and allow you to see yourself in a different way than you maybe have ever before.  To give you that feedback that is so powerful.  Marco is a coach that you can trust that really goes there and isn’t afraid of being in the discomfort that it requires sometimes to change.  I loved coaching with him especially as a content creator he came with such great experience for the world of public figures. If you are considering coaching with him I highly suggest it, he is an amazing human and he’s going to support you in getting to the next level in overcoming any blocks that you have.  

Why you should give a fuck about this Fest.

  • You are ready to unleash your audacity and your limitless potential.

  • You want to get audacious challenges that will help you make the bold moves in your life and your business that you have been waiting on.

  • You want a community of other audacious mofos ready to hype you up.

  • You want to celebrate others achievements and be celebrated.

  • ​You want to discover your unique corner of greatness so you can finally feel like YOU are someone that is bragworthy!

“Come on now! How could you be me and want to be someone else?”

NOT Kanye West (Audacious AF)

We do NOT recommend you join this Festival if....

  • You are a timid easily shaken soul that clings tightly to your comfort zone like a snuggie.

  • Your mind is an empty closed vault with a thousand locks keeping it safe from new ideas.

  • You love crushing dreams like the Grinch

  • You are willing to perform gravity defying maneuvers to evade responsibility and keep your dreams constantly out of reach because...self sabotage makes you happy.

We invite these spirited souls to explore other activities that better align with their aversion to endlessy scrolling on instagram, mastering the art of overthinking, or going for the guinness world record of longest procrascinator.

Reinvent your life in 7 days or less by doing the ONE audacious

thing that will change you FOREVER

“If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it....and The Audacity Festival is absurd that's why I fuck with it.”

NOT Albert Einstein (Audacious AF)

|   Rated 5 Stars   |   Over 1 Trillion Audacious Mofos Agree

What do Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs, Kanye West, Elon Musk, and Nelson Mandela have in common?

AUDACITY! They fearlessly stood out, faced ridicule, and even threats, believing in their mission more than people's opinions or the risks. They aren't inherently different than you or I, they are just willing. So, it's not a question of capability, but of audacity. And any change worth mentioning in the history books was deemed audacious, ridiculous and oftentimes even criminal.

Are you ready to believe in and pursue the world-changing vision you've held onto?

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man...and unreasonable people attend The Audacity Festival”

NOT George Bernard Shaw (Audacious AF)

Why you should give a fuck about this Fest.

  • You are ready to unleash your audacity and your limitless potential.

  • You want to get audacious challenges that will help you make the bold moves in your life and your business that you have been waiting on.

  • You want a community of other audacious mofos ready to hype you up.

  • You want to celebrate others achievements and be celebrated.

  • ​You want to discover your unique corner of greatness so you can finally feel like YOU are someone that is bragworthy!

“Come on now! How could you be me and want to be someone else?”

NOT Kanye West (Audacious AF)

We do NOT recommend you join this Festival if....

  • You are a timid easily shaken soul that clings tightly to your comfort zone like a snuggie.

  • Your mind is an empty closed vault with a thousand locks keeping it safe from new ideas.

  • You love crushing dreams like the Grinch

  • You are willing to perform gravity defying maneuvers to evade responsibility and keep your dreams constantly out of reach because...self sabotage makes you happy.

We invite these spirited souls to explore other activities that better align with their aversion to endlessy scrolling on instagram, mastering the art of overthinking, or going for the guinness world record of longest procrascinator.

"I'm different, yeah I'm different...

and everyone at the AUDACITY FESTIVAL is my peoples!"

NOT 2 Chainz

"I'm different, yeah I'm different...

and everyone at the AUDACITY FESTIVAL is my peoples!"

NOT 2 Chainz

Join the audacious visionaries at

The Audacity Festival now.

Join the audacious visionaries at

The Audacity Festival now.

Join the audacious visionaries at

The Audacity Festival now.

Join the audacious visionaries at

The Audacity Festival now.

© 2023 Satori Media. All Rights Reserved.